Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Article: How to retain 90% of everything you learn

All of us have been struggling finding ways to remember everything. Recently, I ran into a very interesting article about what we could do to improve our memory. In this article, How to retain 90% of everything you learn, the author, Paul Mitchell, who is the Managing Director for The Human Enterprise in Australia, argues that we have been "wasting 90% of our time, resources, and learning time because we don't understand a simple concept called the Learning Pyramid."Also, he adds, "You're wasting time. You're wasting resources. You're just doing everything you can to prevent learning."

Here are some of the tips that he provides in his article. Next time, when we start reading or listening to something, he wants us to remember these tips below.

"Listening or reading something is just listening or reading. It's not real learning. Real learning comes from making mistakes. And mistakes comes from implementation. And that's how you retain 90% of everything you can."

So check out this link and you won't regret if you sincerely want to improve your memory skills.
